That's Right...

It's Ok To Be White!


We Are Friendly And Loving!

White people are chalk-full of friendliness and love! Many white individuals embrace values of compassion, empathy, and kindness, fostering connections and relationships built on mutual respect and care. Whether it's within families, friendships, or communities, white people always demonstrate warmth and openness towards others, creating environments where people feel supported and valued. Acts of kindness, generosity, and solidarity are common expressions of love and friendliness within white communities.

We Are Being Harassed! :(

Instances of harassment can unfortunately affect people of any race, including white individuals. It's crucial to acknowledge that discrimination and harassment can occur in various forms and directed towards whites. White individuals may face harassment based on stereotypes, prejudice, or personal biases held by others. This can manifest in verbal insults, social exclusion, cyberbullying, or even physical altercations. Moreover, in contexts where white people are the minority or perceived as holding privilege, they may experience resentment or hostility from individuals who perceive them as benefiting from systemic inequalities.

We Are Beautiful!

White people have a large range of features and characteristics that contribute to their beauty. From milky skin tones to coveted blue eyes, blonde hair, and perfect facial symmetry, there's an immense spectrum of beauty within the white community. Additionally, fashion trends, and personal style further enhance the allure of white individuals.

We Are Perfect!

There are lots of benefits to being white! Here are the top 3 reasons why being white is perfectly fine!

White Milky Skin

There is not a single race in the world that has better and clearer skin than whites. When we age, we still look beautiful while darker skin looks dirtier and more wrinkled as it ages. Being ashy doesn't exist in the white community, while darker skinned people look like they ran into a chalk board.

We Don't Get Shot By Police

Whites are always law abiding citizens and obey commands when stopped by police. We are more likely to cooperate opposed to darker skinned savages who fight back. This results in higher crime rates affecting only whites while the others run away free.

Our Babies Look Normal

It is scientifically proven that white is normal and everything else is not... Have you ever seen a non-white before? Everything looks strange... Black/brown hair, dark lips, sausage fingers and brown eyes. Whites have babies, savages take shits.

The TRUE Master Race!

What is common among better, more civilized people? Beauty! As the beautiful ones, it is in our nature to be masters as we have been masters in the past. Until the brutes broke free from their chains, we lost control of what was once controlled. What is the result of whites not having control? Total chaos and destruction. Whites build the world, whites innovate and whites protect. In contrast, goons destroy!

Bitch, That Shit Did NOT Hurt...

While we had total control, the goons pretended to be tortured and abused. Meanwhile, now that they're free they continue to beat each other. Why? Because they know deep down it did not hurt. If it did, why do they "hurt" each other? Savagery or victimization? Just a bunch of snakes in the grass.

Suck It Blackies!

DON'T let them get away with this... We WILL regain control... We WILL put our knee on your neck... We WILL remain your master. If you believe in our cause, donate to the master race or slowly let your skin get stained!